David W Bull Family Funerals will complete the death registration after the burial or cremation has taken place. The medical practitioner or coroner also completes a form. This makes up part of the registration process. It can sometimes take 6 to 8 weeks from the date of the burial or cremation for a full death certificate to be sent from Birth, Deaths and Marriages directly to the nominated informant, but sometimes it is much quicker, 10 to 14 days.

Click on the blue link below to download one of our pre arrange books with a personal profile included. The personal profile has all the questions we require to register a persons death, when needed.

Online fillable Pre Arrange Booklet

Today many families prefer to have a non religious Civil Celebrant lead/MC, the service. This will be more personal, focusing on the person’s life and sharing memories.
Some people still wish to have a religious Minister or Priest officiate at their local church or our funeral home. We can help with this also.
Or some families may wish to have a family member or friend who is good at public speaking, to lead/MC the service. They will need to do all the talking not just the eulogy.
At David W Bull Family Funerals we can assist and discuss all the options available so that you can choose the most appropriate for your needs.

David W Bull Family Funerals can assist with the wording and formatting of family notices and funeral details.

There is the option of the Melbourne, interstate or local newspapers.
Social media seems to be the most common these days.
We can create an online memorial page for you at no cost, with details of where and when, personal family notices, photos, live stream details, donation details, maps to all venues relative to the service. The memorial page can be shared via email, TXT message or social media.

There seems to be a lot of myth surrounding this. The short answer is yes, a coffin/casket is required for a cremation/burial in Victoria. We believe all states in Australia have the same regulation.

Click on the blue link below to open the Cemeteries and Crematoria regulations 2015. Scroll to page 20 regarding burial and page 23 regarding cremation to read the regulation.

Cemeteries and Crematoria Regulations 2015

The choice is yours. You can have your loved one dressed in their own special clothing. It can be casual, formal, pyjamas/nightie anything you choose.

We usually suggest that underwear etc. is included. Also any make-up, perfume, nail polish, aftershave, glasses, personal items (Letters, Cards, Photos, a flower) etc.